Forest Conservation Gap Map

Published date: 23 December 2016
Last modified date: 23 December 2016


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This study uses an intensive search strategy across multiple databases to systematically examine and illustrate as an Evidence Gap Map the existing stock of evidence related to the forest conservation sector in LMICs. 

Forests are vital to sustainable development. An important component in decision making about forests and related sectors is understanding the evidence on what works, why, when, under what circumstances and for whom. This study uses an intensive search strategy across multiple databases to systematically examine and illustrate as an Evidence Gap Map the existing stock of evidence related to the forest conservation sector in low and middle income countries. This study highlights policy relevant findings based on the environmental, ecological and social welfare outcomes for different interventions and identifies key gaps where little or no evidence from rigorous impact evaluations and systematic reviews is available.

Databases and Search Strategy

Studies are taken from 1990 till date. Databases used for the search strategy are listed below:

·        CAB Abstracts - is an applied life sciences bibliographic database emphasising on subjects  includes agriculture, environment, veterinary sciences, applied economics, food science and nutrition

·        Econlit – focuses on literature in the field of economics

·        Web of Science (SCI, SSCI & AHCI) - coverage includes the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, and goes across disciplines

·        Scopus includes peer-reviewed journals in the scientific, technical, medical, and social sciences (including arts and humanities).

·        Greenfile (Ebsco) - is a free database designed to help people research the impact humans have on the environment. Key journals include Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology & Management, International Journal of Green Energy, and Journal of Wildlife Management.

·        Academic Search Complete (Ebsco) – The focus disciplines are social sciences, arts, sciences and humanities covering full text, academic journal titles, author, publication dates, abstracts, summations, cited references, and relevant images.

·        Proquest – supports research and learning, publishing and dissemination, and the acquisition, management and discovery of library collections. We focused on ASSIA, IBSS, PAIS, WPSA databases.

·        3ie Repository- the Impact Evaluation Repository is an index of all published impact evaluations of development interventions. (

·        Snowballing/Hand searches

Search words

1     (forest* or deforest* or afforest* or reforest* or agroforest*).ti,ab. (291165)

2     exp forests/ or community forestry/ or agroforestry/ or agroforestry systems/ or farm forestry/ or deforestation/ or forest fragmentation/ or protected areas/ or conservation areas/ (188965)

3     1 or 2 (317962)

4     (conserv* or preserv* or protect* or restor* or reserv* or welfare or fragment* or slippage or degrad* or REDD* or income* or poverty).ti,ab. (861371)

5     conservation/ or protection of forests/ or environmental protection/ or ecosystem services/ or environmental degradation/ or nature conservation/ or welfare economics/ or income/ or farmers' income/ or household income/ or income distribution/ or income transfers/ or poverty/ (117058)

6     4 or 5 (879371)

7     ("quasi experiment*" or quasi-experiment* or "random* control* trial*" or "random* trial*" or RCT or "propensity score matching" or PSM or "regression discontinuity design" or "discontinuous design" or RDD or "difference in difference*" or difference-in-difference* or "diff in diff" or DID or "case control" or matching or "interrupted time series" or "random* allocation*" or "research synthesis" or "scoping review" or "rapid evidence assessment" or "systematic literature review" or "Systematic review*" or "Meta-analy*" or Metaanaly* or "meta analy*" or "Control* evaluation" or "Control treatment" or (random* adj3 allocat*) or "instrumental variable*" or IV or evaluation or assessment or ((quantitative or "comparison group*" or experiment*) adj3 (design or study or analysis)) or counterfactual or "counter factual" or counter-factual or QED).ti,ab,sh. (986289)

9     ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab. (43189)

10     ((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab. (695)

11     (low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab. (41)

12     (low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab. (1693)

13     (lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab. (2224)

14     transitional countr*.ti,ab. (77)

15     exp developing countries/ (1312725)

16     ("north* great plain*" and (usa or united states)).ti,ab,sh. (351)

17     or/8-16 (2014924)

18     participation/ or public participation/ or participative management/ or stakeholders/ or community programmes/ (20812)

19     decentralization/ (2127)

20     forest management/ or forest administration/ or forest ownership/ or forest policy/ (43526)

21     "land use"/ or "land use planning"/ (51133)

22     (decentrali* or ((village* or communit* or stakeholder*) adj3 (participat* or manag* or engag* or empower* or policy or policies)) or "land use*" or (sustain* adj2 land adj2 (manag* or cultivat* or farm* or plan* or policy or policies))).ti,ab. (71955)

23     18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 (139356)

24     3 and 6 and 7 and 23 (4925)

25     limit 24 to yr="1990 - Current" (4882)

26     25 and 17 (2483)

27     emissions/ (7842)

28     carbon/ or carbon sequestration/ or net ecosystem carbon balance/ (61505)

29     climate change/ or global warming/ or greenhouse effect/ (33283)

30     (emission* or climate change* or (greenhouse adj1 (effect* or gas*)) or global warming or carbon sequest*).ti,ab. (116942)

31     27 or 28 or 29 or 30 (169679)

32     3 and 6 and 7 and 31 (1613)

33     limit 32 to yr="1990 -Current" (1610)

34     33 and 17 (771)

35     3 and 6 and 7 (15865)

36     limit 35 to yr="1990 -Current" (15650)

37     3 and 6 and 7 and 17 (7977)

38     limit 37 to yr="1990 -Current" (7873)

Filters for Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC) and Study Designs were put across all the seven databases.