Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Evidence Gap Map

Published date: 11 January 2017
Last modified date: 02 February 2017


This evidence gap map, part of a project funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, assesses the evidence available on the effects of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming in low- and middle-income countries.

The grey bubbles indicate impact evaluation evidence, while the coloured bubbles indicate systematic reviews. For this particular evidence gap map, we only included studies for which we assigned a medium- or high-confidence in their findings, per an adapted version of the Specialist Unit for Review Evidence checklist.

While we identify a considerable amount of impact evaluation evidence, it only addresses some questions within this broad topic. The greatest prevalence of evidence is on sexual health education and other instruction within and outside of the classroom. Many of these courses come from an HIV prevention perspective and measure outcomes related to knowledge, attitudes, condom use and sexual activity. We identify little evidence for mHealth and other ICT, health services and counselling in school, and community health workers, among other intervention types. The map also reveals multiple possibilities for synthesis, including on peer-to-peer approaches, effectiveness of family engagement and on cash transfer programmes directly targeting and improving ASRH.

For further information on the methodology behind this evidence gap map and an overview of the charactersitics of this evidence base, please see the accompanying evidence gap map report:

For an in-depth analysis of the findings of this evidence gap map, coupled with an assessment of the demand for impact evaluation evidence, please see the accompanying scoping report:

Download the excel version of the gap map: