Hover over a bubble to see details with links to studies. Click on a link in the axes to see an explanation of the Intervention / Outcome. Select an area of the chart to zoom in. Toggle study categories on and off using the legend at the bottom of the chart. Export the chart using the menu button at the top right of the chart.
Knowledge and understanding
Measures of political understanding and knowledge of rights or services
Attitudes and beliefs
Measures of beliefs, attitudes, perceptions of safety, trustworthiness, social cohesion and social capital
Social and psychological situation
Measures of happiness, empowerment, quality of life, social, physical and psychological wellbeing
Economic situation
Measures of income, consumption, poverty, employment. Land rights: ownership and access
Electoral participation
Voter registration and turnout, or the change in voter registration and turnout of minorites
Electoral malfeasance & violence
Measures of clientelism, cash for votes, incidence of fraud in elections, incidences of intimidation of voters or officials, or electoral violence
Political representation
The vote share of a candidate, political party or particular ethnic or minority group. Voter opinion of or preference for a given candidate or party or willingness to vote across gender, ethnic or party lines. Number and diversity of parties or candidates on the ballot.
Participation and inclusion
Inclusion or participation in decision-making body, civil-society organisation, or community monitoring or feedback mechanism
Public servant characteristics & behaviour
Measures of the characteristics and qualifications of public servants, including time allocated to tasks or attendance rates
Public funds/goods allocation
Measures of how public finance or goods are allocated or the their alignment with citizen needs or preferences
Service access
Measures of availability and capacity of services, including opening hours and wait times, including equitable access to these services
Service utilisation
Measures of take-up of service by the public such as enrolling in or attending schools, using health centres or hospitals or immunisation rates and completion of immunisation courses
Service performance
Measures of quality of service such as health outcomes (health status, mortality, morbidity), education outcomes (school completion rates or students' test scores) or the amount of taxes collected and business formalisation rates
Public confidence
Perceived quality of services, performance of public servants including elected representatives, and perceived corruption and transparency
Objective measures of corruption including the incidence of financial or administrative misreporting, investigations, prosecutions, or convictions. This also includes self-reported incidences of being asked for a bribe
Information dissemination: political processes
Interventions providing information or increasing access to media or information related to elections and political processes. Typically they involve disseminating information on voting rights, electoral candidate qualifications, voting records or incumbent performance, or contain anti-corruption, anti-violence, anti-vote buying or public policy focused campaign messages
Electoral monitoring
Interventions that monitor polling and voting processes with aim or reducing fraud and ensuring free and fair elections
Introduction of new technologies for casting votes designed to increase turnout and reduce malfeasance
Democratic processes
This category includes interventions introducing local elections or facilitating feedback on politician performance, creating local political units such as councils, committees or other decision-making bodies, or introducing electoral primaries or revised terms in office
Representation of women & minorities
Introduction of quotas, reserved seats or similar within political institutions (parliament, state legislatures, village councils etc.) for women, ethnic minorities, castes
Training for politicians & leaders
This category included interventions to train or build capacity for politicians and local leaders, including those in civil-society organisations.
Community driven development
Community-based development (CDD) interventions devolve authority to the local community level, facilitating direct involvement in public funds allocation either directly or through local community committees or councils
Decentralisation interventions shift existing power over spending and decision-making to states, counties, districts or municipalities
Administrative reform
New processes for managing public services, including e-governance and monitoring of public servant attendance
Performance incentives
Providing wage or other career incentives for public servants and politicians or performance based grants for public sector providers
Independent audits of public sector services, inspecting levels of spending, effectiveness and cost efficiency. This includes Independent scrutiny of public sector auditors
Citizen feedback mechanisms
Interventions facilitating meetings between service users and providers, setting up of grievance redress mechanisms and scorecards allowing service users to rate service providers
Information dissemination: services
Information for citizens on their rights as service users and service providers' responsibilities or the publication of allocated funds or budget plans for public institutions
Participatory priority setting
Interventions that facilitate public participation in public institutions' decision-making processes or budget allocation such as school-based management or health facility committees
Tax compliance & formalisation
Interventions to increase tax compliance and encourage formalisation of businesses
Land certification
Interventions that confer rights over land, either freehold or leasehold
Click items in the legend to toggle the category off and on in the graph. High, Medium and Low Confidence and Protocol categories apply only to Systematic Reviews. High, Medium and Low Confidence refersto confidence in conclusions about effects. It indicates the overall rating given to a systematic review based on a careful appraisal of the methods applied in a systematic review, using a standardised checklist.