Hover over a bubble to see details with links to studies. Click on a link in the axes to see an explanation of the Intervention / Outcome. Select an area of the chart to zoom in. Toggle study categories on and off using the legend at the bottom of the chart. Export the chart using the menu button at the top right of the chart.
Knowledge / skills
Outcomes measuring the extent of intervention-related knowledge / skills gained
Assets / land
Outcomes measuring the value of individual or household non-monetary assets and the degree and type of access to, or ownership of land
Access / take-up
Outcomes measuring the share of (targeted) people who have access to and take up the intervention
Living Standards
Outcomes measuring individual and household access to and quality of water, sanitation, electricity, cooking fuels, housing, subjective well-being and mental health outcomes and multiple poverty indices evaluating living standards (such as the Oxford Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (OPHI 2013).
Income inequality
Outcomes measuring the inequality of incomes between different quintiles of a specified (sub) population (E.g., Gini coefficient). Includes studies reporting changes in consumption across different centiles of the population.
Risk management / resilience / adaptive capacity
Outcomes measuring vulnerability and the preparedness and ability of individuals or households to withstand shocks (such as conflict and instability, economic shocks, adverse weather and climatic catastrophes, disease, disability and/or death of a household member etc.), access to and use of risk-sharing arrangements (e.g. insurance).
Cost / cost-effectiveness / cost-benefit
Outcomes measuring the costs of interventions and measures of interventions cost-effective and value for money.
Income poverty
Outcomes measuring the incidence, depth, severity and density of income poverty, rate of impoverishment and poverty reduction, with a person being defined as poor, in absolute terms, if his or her income level falls below some minimum level determined to be necessary to meet basic needs (e.g. poverty headcount, poverty gap, squared poverty gap).
Income / consumption / savings
Outcomes measuring the amount of individual or household monetary income and expenditure per unit of time and the amount of consumption of goods (excluding food) per unit of time, as well as measures of savings. These include agricultural / microenterprise-related income and expenditure as well as measures of debt and debt repayment.
Empowerment / social inclusion
Empowerment/agency outcomes: Outcomes measuring the ability and opportunity of the disadvantaged to exercise their rights, obtain access to resources and participate actively in the process of making decisions and shaping society (Luttrell et al. 2009), including measures of economic, political, social and psychological empowerment. Includes measures of self-confidence, autonomy in decision-making, challenging of existing norms, locus of control (decision-making), domestic/ sexual/ intimate partner violence measures, child labour, early marriage, and communication about sex / HIV with intimate partner
Social inclusion / stigma outcomes: Outcomes measuring the (degree of) involuntary exclusion of individuals and groups from society’s political, economic and societal processes, which prevents their full participation in the society (UN 2010), outcomes measuring negative social attitudes (perceived stigma), and discriminating behaviours (enacted stigma) (Sengupta et al. 2011) toward the (absolute or relative) poor as well as measures of social capital.
Individual and collective literacy, skills and access to school or training opportunities, includes informal training such as formal education- degrees awarded, enrollment in schools.
Employment assistance
Interventions providing cash or in-kind support for employment as well as targeted “vocational” training for the unemployed to learn a skill that will increase their employability, if this is provided outside of formal (technical and vocational) education.
Land property rights
Interventions that confer the rights to use, own and/or transfer land, as well as enforce rules and exclude outsiders.
Multicomponent interventions
Interventions combining multiple productive safety net interventions, such as the graduation approach.
Credit and leasing
Interventions that provide (micro) loans or leasing services.
Enterprise development
Interventions providing financial and non-financial support for enterprise development.
Group formation for collective action
Interventions supporting the formation of local community groups.
In-kind social transfer
Interventions that provide non-cash goods and services to eligible households, if combined with a livelihoods and/or income generating component.
Unconditional cash transfer
Interventions that provide cash to eligible households (typically means tested) without any conditions attached, if combined with a livelihoods and/or income generating component.
Conditional cash transfer
Interventions that provide cash to eligible households (typically means tested) contingent on the household fulfilling certain condition(s) such as regular school attendance of school aged children, if combined with a livelihoods and/or income generating component.
Support for improved linkages to markets
Interventions improving linkages / access of (potential) entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises to markets.
Financial literacy and business training
Interventions providing entrepreneurship and business skills training, financial literacy training for existing and prospective entrepreneurs
Click items in the legend to toggle the category off and on in the graph. High, Medium and Low Confidence and Protocol categories apply only to Systematic Reviews. High, Medium and Low Confidence refersto confidence in conclusions about effects. It indicates the overall rating given to a systematic review based on a careful appraisal of the methods applied in a systematic review, using a standardised checklist.