Public awareness and outreach on legal literacy

Intervention group: 

This may include:

  • Public legal education campaigns: Using different forms of media to share information and increase awareness about laws, rights and services to the general population.
  • Targeted legal education campaigns: Using different forms of media to meet specific populations with local information of direct relevance to their group.
  • Translation of legal material for marginalised groups: Translating information about laws, rights and services to people who may find traditional forms of relaying information difficult to understand. For example, this may relate to provision of information into different languages or providing illustrations or videos for adults or children who cannot read.
  • Creation of simplified guides to support understanding of specific areas of law: Creation of simplified guides to help lay people understand aspects of the law for the specific problems that they face. For example, the creation of guides on child custody arrangements.
  • Support to community justice advocates: Training and resources provided to community justice advocates to share information and raise issues.
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