Evidence maps

This evidence gap map, part of a project funded by the US Global Development Lab at USAID, assesses the impact evaluation and systematic review evidence base for how science, technology, innovation and partnerships accelerate development outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.

Addressing the challenges that developing countries face, promoting prosperity and ensuring that prosperity is equitably shared, requires effective governance. Interventions that aim to address the relationship between state and society can play a crucial role in ensuring that governance is effective.


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This study uses an intensive search strategy across multiple databases to systematically examine and illustrate as an Evidence Gap Map the existing stock of evidence related to the forest conservation sector in LMICs. 

To inform policymaking with the latest evidence, we updated this EGM focused on land-use change and forestry programmes and policies likely to affect GHG emissions. The update includes 557 impact evaluations and 39 systematic reviews, showing that the volume of evidence has grown substantially since the original map. Click here to view the updated map.

The purpose of this evidence gap map, funded by The Department for International Development UK, is to assess the evidence on agricultural insurance interventions that aim to improve smallholder farmer resilience in low-and middle-income countries.

Read report: http://www.3ieimpact.org/evidence-hub/publications/evidence-gap-maps/understanding-financial-agricultural-risk-smallholder

This Evidence Gap Map has been produced by the International Labour Organization (ILO). The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) has shared the technology to produce the graphic. It is a one time use under the terms of the collaboration. All rights reserved. 
Related publications
This gap map is based on a systematic review supported by 3ie.

The purpose of this evidence gap map (EGM) is to provide easy access to the best available evidence on what works to improve education outcomes for primary and secondary school children in in low- and middle-income countries.

The EGM highlights that there are a number of systematic reviews available on school feeding and cash transfers, but few reviews examine the effects of interventions on household expenditure, child labour, teacher performance and attendance. Several reviews report on learning outcomes, but the literature is not comprehensively covered.

The purpose of the Youth and Transferable Skills (YTS) evidence gap map (EGM) is to provide easy access to the best available evidence on the outcomes of transferable skills programming for youth in low- and middle-income countries and to highlight where there are important gaps in this evidence base. Transferable skills, often referred to as soft, non-cognitive or life skills, provide youth with the tools and confidence to succeed in term of employment, health and personal well-being.

The purpose of this evidence gap map (EGM) is to provide easy access to the best available evidence on the effects of productive social safety net programmes on poverty and related outcomes in low- and middle-income countries, and to highlight important evidence gaps. The EGM identifies several systematic reviews of microfinance, employment assistance and business skills training and a large number of impact evaluations assessing the effects of a variety of productive safety net programmes on measures of income, consumption or savings.
